Monday, 6 April 2009

Cotswolds bed and Breakfast Valentine Breaks Destination

February the fourteenth is one of those days in the western calendar that brings about an odd mixture of feelings. Those who are newly and happily in love clamour around Clinton cards and scoop up the soppiest token their love that they can find to give to the one that is the apple of their eye. For those that are a little further down the road of love, keeping up this tradition can feel like somewhat of a charade, after all, there are only so many teddies a person can purchase without it beginning to look a little contrived. And for those out there that are single, it is a time to batten down the hatches and forget that the whole thing is happening; it is after all only one day of the year where you couldn't get a bunch of flowers for your mum's birthday or book a table in a restaurant for love nor money. Pardon the pun.

In all honesty, it is the folks in the middle ground that are the true casualties of Cupid's arrow, and it is for them that Saint Valentine made his mark that forms part of our culture, and it is for them that Valentine's Day exists. When you have been in love for more than six months, there is a certain depth that a single rose and a confetti filled card cannot reach a token of affection that reflects the desire to want to spend eternity with one another cannot be bought in a shopping centre, it's about spending time together.

Valentine breaks are a chance to lap up the romance and have a bit of time to fully enjoy each others company. Because, it is in the name of good ole St. Val, no-one can argue that it is selfish to have a break away without the kids, especially if you know someone that is single that will look after them after all, they are trying to forget that the day actually exists. By choosing to go away mid February, you will be inundated with spectacular offers of luxury boutiques and suites with piles of added extras. Chilled Champagne and chocolates waiting for you upon arrival, stunning views from the best rooms in the hotel over the most romantic destinations in the world, and even discounts for nearby attractions.

The offers available for Valentine breaks cover cities such as Paris and Prague, Rome and places right here at home. Luxury cottages in the Cotswolds can be just as romantic as an apartment in Paris. But have you ever wondered why we are encouraged to go out of our way to show our affections? In these heady days of commerce and consumerism, the real message has been somewhat lost, and as sweet as the notion of a cherub flitting about with a bow and arrow is, it is actually a long way off what is essentially a rather gruesome story.

It is said that during a time when Christianity was outlawed, and Christian matrimonial unions were illegal, there was priest willing to go out of his way to marry people in secret, and thereby create a union that was sacred in the eyes of the Christian God. Unfortunately he was caught, and because of his unlawful activity he was condemned to a slow and painful death. This is said to have happened on February 14th, and from then on, the day was known by ones that were in love as Valentine's Day. This is why, when one man went out of his way to unite people in love, people in love go out of their way to have a Valentine break.

Dom Donaldson is an expert in the holiday industry.
Find out more about Valentine Breaks and the great offers available for a romantic break at Room For Romance.

cotswolds bed and breakfast: cotswolds accommodation

cotswolds bed and breakfast: bourton on the water

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